Sunday, January 31, 2010

Kelly started writing in High School in Roanoke Virginia and was first published in her school magazine called Sketches.  She is a Sales Consultant for a major insurance company and has a Master's Degree in Adult Education.
She began writing novels in 2000 when she kept waking up in the middle of the night with the characters in her mind just wouldn't be silenced.  Like most authors she's had her share of rejections and is excited about her debut novel Sealed in Lies now available from Hearts On Fire Books.
When not writing Kelly enjoys spending time with her husband of 26 years and her two teenagers.  The family dog Snickers is a constant companion during marathon writing sessions and is the perfect family member.  No back talk!  She lives in Florida and enjoys all that living in the sunshine state brings, boating, fishing, beaches, theme parks, and more.  Her favorite pass time is reading (what a surprise!)  She likes thrillers, romantic suspense, and romantic comedy.  Some of her favorite authors are Nora Roberts, James Patterson, Karen Rose, Heather Graham, Linda Howard, Kelley St. John, and Kay Hooper.


Ever wonder about your favorite authors? Well, here are some tidbits.

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